What is public procurement?
Public procurement is governed by the principles of freedom of movement of goods, provision of services, market competition, prohibition of discrimination, the principle of transparency, equal treatment and the principle of business establishment.
Although the emphasis in the European Union is on preventing local protectionism, most countries have special legal regulations governing procedures in order to prevent corruption.
According to some estimates, public procurement represents 10 to 20 percent of the gross domestic product
Procurement of services and goods by state bodies, public institutions and local government units is denoted by the term Public procurement.
Education, public procurement
The areas of public procurement and databases are connected by an application for digitizing and automating the training process.
The link to the application can be found at the link Citizens of education
Easier and faster communication between stakeholders in the training process and officials of the Ministry has been made possible.
The main processes are enabling online registration of training programs, review of training dates, automation of data collection on held trainings, enabling review of exam dates, enabling online registration for exams, enabling insight into the personal certification status of participants.
Public procurement certificate
With the specialist training program in the field of public procurement, people are issued a certificate in the field of public procurement. The specialist program consists of a written exam and a training program in the field of public procurement.
Law on Public Procurement
The rules on the public procurement procedure carried out by the contracting authorities or entities in cases determined by the law on public procurement are established, for the purpose of entering into a contract on the public procurement of goods, works or services, a framework agreement and the implementation of a project tender.
You can find the Law on Public Procurement at the link Public procurement law.
Rulebook on procurement documentation
The Rulebook on Procurement Documentation establishes:
• content,
• method of preparation and handling of procurement documentation,
• content, method of preparation, delivery and procedure for receiving bids and requests for participation,
• tender opening procedure, content, method of preparation and delivery of tender opening minutes,
• minutes on the review and evaluation of bids, minutes on the review and evaluation of requests for participation,
• minutes on conducting negotiations and minutes on conducting dialogue and other important issues related to documentation on procurement by offer, request for participation, opening of offers and minutes in public procurement procedures.
you can find it at the link https://narodne-novine.nn.hr/clanci/sluzbeni/full/2017_07_65_1534.html
You are interested in simple procurement, procurement of low value or procurement of large value, you would like more information or start the procedure, contact us for consulting and management of public procurement.