Hamag bicro zajmovi Hamag bicro krediti potiču malo i srednje poduzetništvo ali i fizičko osobe zajmovima u smislu financijskih instrumenata. Kako bi bio otklonjen tržišni nedostatak financijski instrumenti pomažu u kretanjima izvora financiranja. Svaki poduzetnik ima priliku prijaviti se za Mikro zajam za obrtna sredstva za ruralni razvoj i ESIF Mikro zajam za obrtna sredstva. […]
Business consulting is an excellent choice in case of entry into the business world and entrepreneurship, existing entrepreneurs who want to improve their business or maintain it can also benefit. We have a prepared business consulting framework that covers all preparation and implementation of the needs and goals of the plan for all requests.
Production of construction books can be in the form of construction book pdf or excel, construction book and construction diary are an integral part of the organization and preparation of construction, thus a comprehensive technical service. The executive part of the contractor as a project implementer can be completed with services for applications to public tenders using Ikconsulting services and price calculations.
One of the most sought-after areas of the economy is precisely digital marketing. Within digital marketing, all results can be measured, the means to invest in marketing are smaller as the biggest advantage of digital marketing.
Javna Nabava Jednostavna nabava ili potpuni postupak javne nabave, prepustite stručnjacima provođenje postupka uz trenutni rad na projektima i razvoju ideja.